The 2011-12 academic year may now be over, but that is no reason for teachers and school administrators not to at least start thinking about planning for when the kids come back to school in September. Some teachers will be teaching a new subject or new syllabus in the forthcoming academic year. Other staff who just got their teaching certification will be responsible for a new intake or planning for an inspection during the course of the year. Other teachers may be responsible for a new intake or planning for an inspection during the course of the year.
With the current pressure on public sector funding, teachers will appreciate anything that makes their jobs easier. And that’s where promotional items like USBs can help. Here’s a guide to some of the promotional products that teachers should find useful – whether they work in primary or secondary education – at a public school, academy, or state-funded institution.
Whether they teach in a primary school and work with just one group of pupils for the entire year or they are in a secondary school where various classes are taught at different points throughout the week, teachers need to keep organised and on top of things. Teachers can use a diary to record important meetings and milestones, for example parents’ evening, exam dates, revision courses, coursework deadlines and extracurricular activities. Diaries can also be used to teach younger children about days of the week, different seasons or national celebrations like St George’s Day.
Flash drives
If you’re a headteacher, department head or school administrator, you might want to consider promotional flash drives for teachers. As an increasing amount of work is done electronically these days, from providing online revision guides to using iPads and tablet PCs to deliver presentations, memory sticks can help staff to store files quickly and easily. USBs are portable and therefore teachers can plan presentations on their computer at home or in the school office during a free period, before bringing the memory stick into the classroom to deliver a lesson.
Desk tidies
Desk tidies will help teachers stay organised as they work, particularly if they use a variety of teaching methods, whether they use chalk for a chalkboard, marker pens for a whiteboard or felt pens for an overhead projector. By using a desk tidy, teachers should be able to store everything they need for marking homework and filling out forms.
Teachers might also find it a useful idea to keep a couple of spare pens in a desk tidy to give to pupils who have forgotten to bring one in themselves. In almost every school in the UK, you can guarantee there will be at least one child who has stepped into the classroom without a pen or pencil!
Diaries, flash drives and desk tidies are just a few of the most effective promotional items that we think teachers might find useful. If you buy promotional products for your school, ensure that you have the school’s name, logo and contact details printed on the items. This should create a uniform look across your range of promotional merchandise and stationery, which should in turn help to create a sense of pride in your institution (much like a school uniform worn by pupils).
Do you work in primary or secondary education? What products would you find most useful in helping you to plan lessons and organise your working day? Leave us a comment and let us know!
This article was written on behalf of, specializes in print graduation announcements, High School Announcements, College Announcements, Printable Graduation Invitations, Graduation Announcements at Overnight Prints